Thursday, September 27, 2007

so you say, that im alright. you are the fortunate, all the time..

yesterday, i took some facinating pictures outside. im so happy its autum. everythings been absolutly great ever since its arrived. no troubles...despite the okay =]. i hung out with joe and dylan last night, thank goodnes. i got my phone back finally. we cheif'd and i slept sooooo good last night, i didnt wake up once! i was awoken from a phonecall from gina and i got to babysit jack today. before, joe came over for bit. but not long, i went to gina's around 1:45. fun stuff. jack was so good for me. we had tons of funn walking around. hes only one so i just made him laugh and smile the entire time. then i got the girl's off the bus and we just chilled the whole day. it was fun all in all. i love babysitting them. keira and i went riding around at like 8 but she had to be home for grey's anatomy...god for bid cant miss that. bahaha. so now im gonna go eat my sushi take out, and take a bath. and just sit in bed till i fall asleep. feel free to call me, i trust you. 860 877 0018 <33




heres some photos.

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